Thursday 22 October 2015

Module Introduction

Module Name: Architecture Theory & Research Methods  

The theory of Architecture can be understood as the theoretical approach to architecture, the city, and the environment. In this module we will explore the material environment, with regard to interior design, surface engineering, infrastructure, urban planning, but also buildings’ construction and appropriation. The theory of architecture investigates the built environment through its inhabitants, architects, and specialists from the disciplines of architectural and art history, cultural sciences, ethnology and sociology, geography, psychology, anthropology and philosophy. Architecture research ‘aims to provoke further discussion on the issue of architectural research in order to promote a wider debate’ (RIBA, 2015).

Critical thinking is one of the most important elements in master’s level education especially for this particular module, as you prepared for entering the professional area. The Module of Architecture Theory and Research is important for the individual development of an approach to design by learning from history and others.

This module is a support to the design module of the year. The seminars for Architectural Theory and Research Methods are student led, with students giving a presentation at the whole seminar. Every week one or more books will be introduced and discussed in the seminar.

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