Sunday 1 November 2015

Structure as Space by Conzett, Jürg, and Mohsen Mostafavi

30 October 2015

Structure as Space by Conzett, Jürg, and Mohsen Mostafavi

Mohsen Mostafavi is an architect and educator. His work focuses on models and processes of urbanism and on the interface between technology and aesthetics.

The book is analyse the work of Jurg Conzett's a Swiss engineer who has redefining the relationship between structural engineering and architecture. The work and theories of other engineers and architects are also present in the book, among them is Brunel, Peter Behrens, Calatrava, Le Corbusier and Antoine Picon.  


The work of Conzett precedent stylistically more interpretative than singular. His work focuses and addresses n an interpretative model as a process of weakening it approximates Vattimo's thinking. It is engages structural principles with a much wider set of pragmatic and pragmatic concerns which it responds to new and extraordinary ways (Mostafavi 2006). 

An example of his work is the Traversina Bridge, in Switzerland


Conzett's bridges had a particular quality, the way in which they fit, both physically and experientially. His bridges become important elements in the formation of a specifically Swiss landscape, part of a geographical bound and constructed national identity.

Project: Intervening in the City

Regarding the landscape near my site is very limited. Thus as my Macro- Museum is the Natural History Museum I will incorporate in the scheme the Wildlife Garden. The introducing of such garden next to an office building might be challenge but I believe it will fit in the surrounding urban context as the area has not public space.  


Conzett, Jürg, and Mohsen Mostafavi. Structure As Space. London: Architectural Association, 2006. Print.


Fig 1

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