Sunday 17 January 2016

Authoring Robotic Processes by Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler Architects

Friday 15 January 2016

Authoring Robotic Processes by Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler Architects


‘Our projects combine the physio of built architecture with digital logics. Therefore, we do not design architecture solely by drawing, but conceive spatial relationships and contextual behavior through programming. In doing so, we use the potentials of the computer and of digital fabrication complementary to traditional design, construction and building methods. The sensual quality of this design cultural manifests itself in the novel expression of a Digital Materiality’ Gramazio and Kohler

‘Architecture using robotics to take command of all aspects of construction’ Gramazio and Kohler vision

According to Gramazio and Kohler with the help of robots it is now possible to radially enrich the physical natural of architecture.
After this statement a question raised by the presenter (David) ‘Do we think the use of robots in architecture will enhance architectural design and creature freedom or restrict it?’ It is truth, that robots help us to do a step further in innovation, explore traditional materials and transform them into new materials.  This can be shown in the construction industry as all the construction process  comes from robots. For example, pre casting, in case of manufacturing a column or a façade take less time with this innovation and definitely is more accurate. 

Through the module Vertical Studio I had the opportunity to investigate in more depth their work and explore the possibilities of sand casting but humanly control. The project was a collaboration between March Year 1 and Year 2. Together several models were produced using and exploring the sand casting with three types of sand and used nine different mixtures in total. During those weeks we explore the behavior of the sand with different type of combs and tools to create surfaces and patterns. At the beginning the shapes were free form patterns, with the use of combs. The result was not effective as there was luck of accuracy in the forms created because hands are uncontrollable. Then we tried to use a grid firstly in the box where we were casting and then with the creation of tools that have a grid on them, in order to have some control over the pattern. To conclude humans cannot really control the sand casting without the help of the machines or other mechanisms that can carry out the casting in more precise manner.

                                  Fig 2,3 Models produce by Vertical Studio Group

                                Fig. 4 Model with grid produce by Vertical Studio Group

                                       Fig. 5, 6 

During the last hour of the session we talk about our manifesto as an architect’s and how we are going to apply it in our new design project Intervening in the City.  One of the project task is to create an innovative hybrid material system. This material system can be a structural element, a load bearing wall or a fixing.  


Gramazio, Fabio et al. Made By Robots. Print. 2014.

Fabio Grmazio and Mathias Kohler Architects Authoring Robotic Processess [online] Google Available at: [Accessed 14.1.16]

Fabio Grmazio and Mathias Kohler Architects Authoring Robotic Processess [online] Google Available at:

Fabio Grmazio and Mathias Kohler Architects Authoring Robotic Processess [online] Google Available at:


Fig.2,3 photographs taken by Vertical Studio Group
Fig.4  photographs taken by Vertical Studio Group
Fig. 5,6

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