Monday 25 January 2016

Of Other Spaces: Utopia and Heterotopias by Michel Foucault

Friday 22 January 2016

Of Other Spaces: Utopia and Heterotopias by Michel Foucault 

I found the seminar was extremely interesting and enthusiastic. Foucault is a philosopher who it is worth to read further as his work has been highly influential. In my opinion, the points he raises makes me wonder and raise questions.
Foucault is a French philosopher inspired by Nietzsche and is one of the dominant contemporary social theorists.

The presenter (Petros) of the seminar analyse the key aspects of Foucault’s theories
Structuralism by Foucault: effort to establish, between elements that could have been connected on the temporal axis an ensemble of relations that makes them appear as juxtaposed and set off against one another, implicated by each other that makes them appear, in short, as a sort of configuration. 

In the Middle Ages in West the hierarchic ensemble of space form as sacred places and profane places, protected places and open, exposed places: urban places and rural places. Moreover, there were places where things had been put because they had been violently displaced, and then on the contrary, places where things found their natural ground and stability. The complete hierarchy as explained above can also be called a medieval space: the space of emplacement.

 Galileo introduce and dissolved the idea of emplacement.

Foucault first explored and used the term heterotopia in his book The Order of Things (1966). He used the word ‘topos’ in English ‘space’ as a metaphor in language.
Utopia, according to the Oxford Dictionary,2016 is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.
Utopia and heterotopia are linked to other spaces. However, these spaces contradict to those other spaces which are link to.  

Utopia ? Heterotopia
Mirror Utopia? or Heterotopia?        
Mirror acts like a utopian object. It is a place without a place and we see ourselves where we do not exist.
A mirror is at the same time utopia and heterotopia. On the one hand is a place without place, and on the other it is a real space. As Foucault notes, in the mirror we find ourselves missing in the place that we are.

Edward Relph is a Canadian geographer known for his book place and placelessness. In that book the definition of utopia and heterotopia is flipped.

What is heterotopology? Heterotopology is simultaneously a mythic and real contestation of the space in which we live and it is defined with four principles.

Fist principle
Heterotopias of crisis: Sacred, forbidden

For people in crisis: boarding school, pregnant women, the elderly, the honeymoon, military service.
Foucault suggests that the heterotopias of crisis are replaced by the heterotopias of deviation: rest homes, psychiatric hospitals, prisons and perhaps retirement homes.
In the case of the pregnant woman her own body is creating a space for the baby.

Second principle
A society, as its history unfolds, can make an existing heterotopia function in a very different fashion. Each heterotopia has a precise and determined function within a society and the same heterotopia can, according to the synchrony of the culture in which it occurs, have one function or another.

The cemetery: it is a place, connected with all the sites of the city, state, society or village, and in Western culture has always existed.

Third principle 
The heterotopia is capable of juxtaposing in a single real place, several spaces: several sites that are in themselves incompatible.

Theatre, cinema, gardens.
The cinema is a rectangular space that has a two dimensional screen that projects a three dimensional space.

Fourth principle
Heterotopias are most often linked to slices in time which is to say that they open onto what might be termed heterochronies. Generally in a society like ours heterotopias and heterochronies are structured and distributed in a relatively complex fashion.

Libraries, museums: the expression of an individual choice, timeless, an archive that enclose in one place all times in all epochs, all forms and all testes constituting a place of all times that is itself outside of the time.

Opposite of these heterotopias: linked to the accumulation of time, the time is flowing, transitory such as celebrations and festivals. These heterotopias are temporary. According to Foucault new kind of temporal heterotopias has been invented such as vacation villages
If a movie seen more than three times then, each time it is viewed something different is derived from the viewer. For example perhaps you have seen a movie in a different place, with different people.

The presentation brought an interesting debated for music festivals. Such an example is the Glastonbury festival. People from the surrounding area go to this festival every year. The experience gained on each occasion would be different from the previous as the conditions could be different due, perhaps, to changes in weather, people and music etc.  The festival can thus suggests, be considered as heterotopias as is in the town only for a period of time unlike for example visiting Venice for a week which even after your departure the city will remain the same.

How this case of a temporary festival-event different from a pregnant woman?? The body of the pregnant woman will temporary creates a space for the baby. After the birth the body will recover and transform to its previous shape.

Fifth principle
According to Foucault heterotopias always presuppose a system of opening and closing that both isolates them and makes them penetrable. It follows, as Foucault suggests that the site is not freely accessible in the manner of a public space. An example of this, as Foucault notes, is the entry to a barracks or a prison. This is because a person needs certain permission to enter such places.

Sixth principle
The last trait of heterotopias is that they have a function in relation to all the space that remains. This function unfolds between two extreme poles as Foucault further notes. Either their role is to create a space of illusion that exposes every real space, all the site inside of which human life its partitioned as still more illusory or it is role to create a space that is other, another real space, as perfect, as meticulous, as well arranged as ours is messy, ill constructed and jumbled. 

Colonies, brothels and boat.

At the end of the presentation the conversation focused on persons present as peoples ‘being in this world’. This gave me the opportunity to express my point of view upon a topic that I have my self debated and explained to my colleagues why I believe that. What I was explained is that we only experience the now and if you thing about it, each minute that it passing it belongs to the pass and to what extend the future it is unknown. My thoughts have been influenced by the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 2005, which stresses the importance of living in the present and avoiding placing thoughts of the past or the future above them. The conversation was led to the conclusion of whether or not people are living now in heterotopia as everything around us will one day be demolish and destroyed.

Foucault, Michel, Architecture/ Mouvement/ Continuite translated by Jay Miskowiec. “Of Other Spaces”. 1967 Web

Tolle, Eckhart. The Power Of Now. London: Hodder Mobius, 2005

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